From Anxiety to Alignment
It's in those forks-in-the-road moments that we tend to doubt our intuition.
Think of it like driving, as long as the road ahead is somewhat straight we can cruise and even speed up. But when we see a curve ahead, we shift to the breaks.
As we should.
Times of change require different skills than times of stability or growth.
Same with your intuition.
The trust you have in the guidance you receive is easier to digest when we have clear visibility of our journey ahead. Imagine you feel clear you want to remain in your job and today you pull a card inviting you into new challenges.
Can you picture yourself going through your day with an eye toward new opportunities? Wouldn't it feel more playful than stressful? Just a 'let's see what opens up'?
Even if you had decided to switch jobs, that same card could easily inspire you to apply to postings you might not have felt ready for, after all, why not?
But what if you are hesitating? If you are weighing whether to stay or go?How would you then interpret that card?
How confident would you feel?
We all feel more vulnerable in times of change. As we balance the uncertainties of life with awareness so we make a responsible (and authentic!) decision.
How do you support your intuition in times like this?
What has worked for you in the past?
What would you like to improve?
Would you like to learn what my own process is?
When it comes to intuition, this landscape of change is where I live. It is my work to meet people at these crossroads.
Whether you would like to have a clear, step-by-step process to distill intuitive guidance (a card, a sign, a dream) into actionable steps.
Or you want to find ways to feel more confident in what you are getting, I have good news for you.
This is exactly what we are diving into in my upcoming workshop 'Intuition for Decision-Making'
I will share with you:
My approach for translating guidance into action
How to convince Intuitive tools for further accuracy
How to deal with analysis-paralysis
and much more!
You can find more information down below and, of course, let me know if you have any questions.
Much love and hope to see you there,