Happy New Year!
I hope your holidays were heart-warming, filled with moments that reaffirmed your growth and created further clarity in your path.
Perhaps it's the after-effects of the lockdowns or the economic uncertainty but I have noticed a bit more apprehension in me as this year comes to a close and the new one reaches out to greet us.
I know many things in society need to be reinvented. We need to craft a fresh start for our collective path.
I believe our ability to craft this new path is equal to our ability to choose the unknown.After all, we cannot drink from the same well that made us sick and expect to be healed.
Whether we are sensing the calling to create big collective change, or the need to shift a family pattern, a career path, or a stubborn anxiety.
We yearn for this change and yet struggle to know what our first step should be.
This is normal.
This is where ritual comes in.
Rituals connect us to the emerging future, to the new that has yet to take shape.
Just like sailors of old who used stars to navigate, we too can use the patterns of far away energies to reach our destination safely and efficiently.
As we tap into the collective, we say yes to what our soul wants to create. to HOW it wants to create it.
In doing this we are laying the ground for a deeper shift.
When you choose to pause and listen to Spirit before setting out, you are attuning to a bigger field.
When you choose to question the 'normal' instead of repressing to fit in, you are influencing the Knowing Field.
When you choose an authentic action instead of a familiar one, you are programming the collective field.
This is the true power of my yearly workshop 'Intuition for the New Year'.
In this important time for each and all of us, I invite us to start this new year with the power and intention of ritual in our lives.
With the protection of our guides and ancestors.
What we will practice in this workshop are important skills in creating and nourishing a culture that pauses first. That knows how to receive guidance.
Skills that you can use in your inner life, that will serve as a compass in navigating 2024 in a way that honours its gifts, that helps them flourish in your life.
This workshop is a safe space for self-care and self-honoring, a space for self-love among the pressure to live our best life rather instead of living our life as best we can.
It is my joy to create a space where you feel the presence of the sacred, where you experience the willingness of other humans to make space for you and support you, and where you receive blessings and divine love.
As you always should.
Will you join us? Registration details in the website
Happy new year,